I’m a recent graduate with a Master’s Degree in Statistics from the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven (KU Leuven) my degree track was Theoretical Statistics and Data Science. I completed my thesis (you can download a pdf version here) exploring count data models specifically I characterized a family of functions which were an extension of the Poisson which had greater flexibility in the dispersion settings and compared those to other count data models including the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Model. My previous work experience was focused on marketing data. I blog about statistics and data.
I’m looking for a job!
I have experience with causal inference, regression, marketing attribution models, and clustering.
I enjoy writing about topics where I can express statistical knowledge. Two articles I enjoyed making are this explanation of how we need to understand our data generating process when determining causality using Covid as an example and this explanation of how sampling variability explains the gap between the top men and women in chess.
I’m well-suited for roles as a statistician, data analyst, or data scientist.
I speak English natively and I currently speak Indonesian at around a B1 level
You can find my resume here.